It is a speciality of dentistry that involves surgical procedures performed in the oral cavity (teeth, mucous membranes and accessory tissues). Our specialist in this field is Dr. Aleksandar Vujanovic, the owner of Harmonia Dental Mijas who is a specialised Oral Surgeon with more than 14 years of expertise in the field of Dental Implants and bone regenerative surgeries.
Besides, at Harmonia Dental we have just expanded our facilities and there is a new adjoining building in which we have installed a much larger operating room for the comfort of the patients and the team.
We are assisted by a team of anesthetists that provide conscious sedation for those patients with dental phobia or for those clients who want to undergo surgery in a more comfortable and relaxed manner.

One of the most frequent oral surgery procedure is the extraction of the wisdom teeth. Other procedures include:
- Complex dental extractions.
- Removal of maxillary cysts.
- Extraction of retained dental roots.
- Labial frenectomy ( removal of labial or lingual frenum), indicated for those children who have limited mobility of the lips or the tongue, or may present aesthetic issues.
- Gum surgery when a periodontal disease is in an advanced stage (gingival flap, gingivectomy and gingivoplasty)
- Bone grafting is a surgical intervention that helps to regenerate lost bone. This procedure is sometimes necessary when dental implants are placed.
- Maxillary sinus lift is a surgical intervention performed to restore lost bone height in a specific area of posterior maxilla.
- Apicoectomy or periapical surgery is a surgical procedure that consists of removing an infection that affects the tooth root and the adjacent tissues.

Dr. Manuel Valero
He is our specialist in oral surgery and implantology with more than 13 years of experience and a total dedication to these specialities. Dr Valero, the owner of Harmonia Dental clinic, is in constant training and is currently specialising in zygomatic implants, a pioneering technique that allows dental implants to be placed even in patients with a total absence of bone.
The operating room and materials
After 7 years of success in our first dental clinic we decided to expand it, resulting in our CENTRE FOR DENTAL SURGERY AND IMPLANTOLOGY, where we have a specialised operating theatre with a sterile circuit where Dr Valero performs the most advanced techniques in surgery.

In line with our philosophy, based on honesty and integrity; Dr Vujanovic carries out the appropriate study with the 3D technology that we have at the practice and provides the patients with individualised diagnosis. CT scann allows us to know the thickness and density of the bone and to calculate the ideal position for the implant. Furthermore, we can know in advance if there is a need to perform bone grafting or any complementary surgery in order to increase the success rate of the implant treatment.